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    Installing Dasera manually on GCP


    This article details how to create a Dasera instance within your own Google Cloud Platform (GCP) VPC.  Once you have access to the Dasera custom image, please follow the steps below to configure and launch your instance.


    Before beginning, the Dasera application page needs to be shared with your organization. To request this, please contact sales@dasera.com and supply:

    • Your GCP account number, which Dasera will use to share a custom image; and
    • Name & email address of an administrator user (or a Service Account) within the above account to whom we should grant access to that image.

    Install Dasera

    1. Click this link to log into your GCP VM Instances Console, which will navigate you to Compute Engine > VM Instances.
    2. If necessary, select the Project where you wish to install Dasera.
    3. If prompted, enable the Compute Engine API.
    4. Click the CREATE INSTANCE button (circled below).

    1. On the next screen, complete the following fields:
      1. Name: any value; it is recommended to include "Dasera" in the name, to make it easier to identify.
      2. Machine Configuration > Machine Type: select "e2-standard-8", unless your Dasera Customer Success Manager has advised differently.
      3. Firewall > Allow HTTP Traffic: checked
    2. Under the Boot Disk section, click the CHANGE button.
    3. Select the CUSTOM IMAGES tab.
    4. Click the SELECT PROJECT button.
    5. In the modal, select the GCP Project where you wish to install Dasera.  The modal will dismiss, returning you to the slide-out dialog.
    6. Complete the following fields:
      1. Image: select the custom image shared with you by Dasera
    7. Click the SELECT button.
    8. Click on NETWORKING, DISKS, SECURITY, MANAGEMENT, SOLE-TENANCY to expand its section
    9. Click on Management to expand its sub-section
    10. Complete the following fields:
      1. Automation: enter the following commands for the startup script
    #! /bin/bash 
    # wait a few seconds in case the network finishes loading before postgres service does 
    sleep 15 
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/dasera/discovery/bin 
    sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 
    /home/dasera/discovery/bin/discovery start
    1. Click the CREATE button to create and start the Dasera instance.

    After starting the VM, shut it down, and then start it up again, as a part of the startup script doesn’t run from a completely fresh boot, but it does on the second and subsequent starts.

    Next Steps

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