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    Migrating self-hosted instances to AWS RDS


    All self-hosted Dasera instances are shipped with an internal PostgreSQL database. Depending on the deployment’s scale, you may benefit from leveraging the AWS RDS service instead. This article outlines the steps for migrating your initial database to RDS.

    These instructions only apply to self-hosted Dasera instances running within AWS as EC2 instances, and they should only be executed at the direction of your assigned Customer Service Manager (CSM). These instructions do not apply to either:

    • Self-hosted instances running as Docker containers, as they are already using RDS
    • Dasera-hosted tenants, as Dasera manages it on your behalf.

    Because your Dasera instance will be unavailable during part of this process, we recommended you perform these instructions outside of normal business hours (such as during a pre-advertised maintenance window).


    Configure New Database

    Excerpt: AWS: Configure New Database

    1. Click this link to log into your AWS RDS Console, which will navigate you to the RDS service.
    2. Under Amazon RDS in the left-hand menu, navigate to Databases.
    3. The Databases screen is displayed.
    4. Click the Create database button.
    5. On the next screen, in the Engine options section, complete the following fields:
    Section Field Value
    Engine options
    Engine type
    PostgreSQL 11.15-R1 
    Instance configuration
    DB instance class
    Storage type
    General Purpose SSD (gp2) (unless advised differently by your CSM) 
    Allocated storage
    50 (unless advised differently by your CSM) 
    Public access
    No, if this database resides in the same VPC as your Dasera instance. 

    Otherwise, Yes. 
    VPC security group
    Select (or create) a security group which permits traffic from the Dasera instance. 
    Additional configuration > Database options
    Initial database name

    With the exception of the above values which Dasera requires to operate, the AWS RDS default values can be used, or your can override them as your business needs.  This includes applying your own master user name, backup schedule, DB parameter groups, and availability & durability configurations.

    1. Make note of the Master username and master password values for later use.
    2. Click the Create database button.
    3. The Databases screen is displayed once again.
    4. For the new database, click its link in the DB Identifier column.  
    5. In the Connectivity & security section, make note of the Endpoint value for later use.

    Pause Dasera Instance

    1. Log into your Dasera instance’s UI.
    2. Navigate to Data Stores > Data Store Inventory screen.
    3. On the Connected tab, for each Data Store with an in-progress scan, click its Cancel Scan icon in the Actions column.
    4. Navigate to Support.
    5. Make note of your Dasera instance version for later use.
    6. Using your CLI, SSH into your Dasera instance.
    7. Stop your Dasera instance by executing the command ./discovery/bin/discovery stop.

    Export Initial Database

    1. Using your CLI, SSH into your Dasera instance.
    2. Depending on your Dasera instance’s version, set the following environment variables in your .bashrc file. Substitute {Endpoint}, {Master username} and {Master password} with the corresponding values from the Configure New Database section above.export DASERA_DATABASE_HOST_OVERRIDE={Endpoint} export DASERA_DATABASE_USER={Master username} export DASERA_DATABASE_PASSWD={Master password}
    3. Execute the following commands in order:
    Command Outcome Notes
    source .bashrc 
    Applies the environment variable updates 
    pg_dump -U postgres discovery > dump.sql
    Export the initial database’s data The export’s duration will vary depending on the amount of data present and may take up to an hour.  Validate this activity is complete before continuing to the next step.

    Populate New Database

    1. Using your CLI, SSH into your Dasera instance.
    2. Execute the following command. Substitute {Endpoint} and {Master username} with the corresponding value from the Configure New Database section above.
    Command Outcome Notes
    psql -h {Endpoint) -p 5432 -U {Master username} -d discovery < dump.sql
    Imports the initial database’s data into the new database. The import’s duration will vary depending on the amount of data present and may take up to an hour.  Validate this activity is complete before continuing to the next step.

    Restart Dasera Instance

    1. Using your CLI, SSH into your Dasera instance.
    2. Restart your Dasera instance by executing the command ./discovery/bin/discovery start.
    3. Log into your Dasera instance’s UI.
    4. Navigate to Data Stores > Data Store Inventory screen.
    5. On the Connected tab, for each Data Store you wish to resume scanning, click its Run Scan icon in the Actions column.

    At this point, you can free up space on your Dasera instance by removing the initial database and export file. Use these commands to delete both:

    dropdb -U postgres discovery
    rm dump.sql

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