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    Dasera 1.2 release notes

    Date:  08/31/20

    New Major Features

    New Add Data Warehouse Wizard & SNS Wizard Added, Permission Wizard Deprecated

    Previously, when logging into Dasera for the first time, users were greeted with a 3 step permission wizard to connect Dasera to data warehouses and SNS.

    Now users will see an empty dashboard and a “Connect a Data Warehouse” at the top of the home page.  Clicking on “Connect a Data Warehouse” will launch the Data Warehouse wizard, which looks like this:

    Users can connect Dasera to SNS by clicking on Administration > Notifications, and clicking on “SNS Settings” in the top right corner. 

    Customers will benefit from the new wizards in the following ways:

    1. Customers can configure things like the User Whitelist, SSO, or SNS prior to starting the first scan.  For some customers, whitelist accounts may account for the vast majority of data warehouse queries. Whitelisting these accounts before running the first scan can significantly reduce the scan time.
    2. Scan multiple data warehouses from the same instance:  The new data warehouse wizard allows customers to scan data warehouses from different vendors from the same Dasera instance (e.g., Redshift and Snowflake).
    3. Ability to include/exclude specific databases from a scan:  The data warehouse wizard allow the user to select all current and future databases within a data warehouse to scam or pick exactly which database(s) to scan within a data warehouse.

    New Top Nav/Left Nav

    We’ve updated our top navigation and left navigation pane. The left navigation pane can also be compressed/expanded by clicking on the “hamburger” icon.  This will create more usable real estate for the primary content of the page.

    Regular Expressions

    On the sensitive data page, administrators can now use regular expressions to define custom sensitive data types.  All unreviewed fields will be subject to reclassification whenever a regular expression is used to define a custom sensitive data type.

    Users can also enter test data to ensure the desired behavior of their regular expression.

    For custom sensitive data types that utilize regular expressions, on the Sensitive Data Page, the % of fields that match the regular expression will be available on the hover-over of the confidence score.

    Single Sign-on (SSO) via SAML

    Users can now sign into Dasera using SSO.  For instructions on how to configure SSO, please refer to our SSO documentation.

    Confidence Score

    On the Sensitive Data page, Dasera now exposes the confidence score of a sensitive data classification, in the “Confidence” column on the sensitive data page. You can sort the entire table by ascending or descending confidence scores.

    When you either change the sensitive data type of a field, and/or you mark a field as “Reviewed,” the confidence score will change to a green check mark.

    If you’d like to change the sensitive data type of a field that’s already been reviewed, you’ll need to uncheck the “Reviewed” checkbox.  Note that when you uncheck the reviewed checkbox, the confidence score will change back to either (a) the original confidence score, if the original sensitive data type remained unchanged; or (b) a red question mark -- since the sensitive data type was changed manually, Dasera has no confidence level associated with the current classification.

    Performance Optimizations

    A number of performance optimizations were added to increase the throughput and reliability of Dasera scans.  So now, both the initial scan and ongoing scans should be faster.

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