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    Upgrading Dasera on AWS


    If your organization self-hosts your Dasera application instance, there are several steps you must take to upgrade the application when a new version is released. This article describes two methods you can use to upgrade your application, as well as how to upgrade sidecars, if applicable.

    Upgrading Self-Hosted Application Instances

    For self-hosted applications (EC2 instances deployed via CloudFormation, Terraform, or AMI), Dasera supports two different upgrade methods:

    • Via UI, the recommended method for business users to handle application maintenance themselves. The Dasera UI will notify you when an upgrade is available.
    • Via CLI, a legacy method tailored for advanced users, which can be used when your network blocks outbound traffic to Dasera builds.

    Besides the UI, you can be aware of the availability of new Dasera versionsthat by following our Release Notes.

    Upgrading via UI

    The following is required to complete these steps:

    • Network outbound access to Dasera builds
    • Super Admin permissions within Dasera

    When an upgrade is available, Dasera Super Administrators will be notified in two ways:

    • In-app banner that displays when they log into the UI
    • A System Notification is generated

    Each will contain a hyperlink that navigates you to a screen to review and proceed with the upgrade.

    Because Dasera will be unavailable while an upgrade is in progress, we recommendtime stamp you initiate the upgrade outside of normal business hours (such as during a pre-advertised maintenance window). Upgrades typically take less than 5 minutes.

    Follow these steps to proceed with the upgrade

    1. Navigate to the Support screen, by either:
      1. Clicking the hyperlink within the banner notification.
      2. Clicking the hyperlink within the System Notification.
      3. Clicking on Support in the left-hand menu.
    2. The Support dialog is displayed.
    3. Click the Upgrade button.

    1. The Upgrade Dasera dialog is displayed, showing the current and target versions.
    2. If you wish to proceed, click the Begin Upgrade button.
    3. A system maintenance screen is displayed. It will periodically refresh to check if the upgrade is finished.

    Once the upgrade is complete, the system maintenance screen will refresh one last time, and Dasera login screen will now be displayed. In addition, a System Notification will be generated to acknowledge the completed upgrade and its new current version.


    Upgrading via CLI

    CLI access is required to complete these steps.


    Pausing Dasera

    It is recommended that you temporarily pause your Dasera instance until the upgrade is complete.

    1. Log into Dasera
    2. Go to Data Stores in the left nav.
    3. In the far right “Off/On” column, switch all data stores in the scan to the “Off” (left) position.  
    4. Look to see if there is a scan currently in progress. The Last Scan column will say “Currently in progress (started X minutes ago),” and the “Scan Now” button will be deactivated.

    If there is a scan currently in progress, wait until the scan is complete. (Any scan that is in progress will continue until complete, even after “Off” is selected.) When the scan is complete, the Last Scan column will simply show a date/time stamp, and the “Scan Now” button will be active.

    After this step, no Dasera scans are currently in progress, and no new Dasera scans will be initiated during backup and upgrade. You’re now ready to back up Dasera.

    Backing up Dasera

    To backup Dasera (both the application and data), follow these steps:

    1. Find the Dasera instance ID in the EC2 interface
    2. Go to Elastic Block Store > Volumes, and search for the volume attached to that instance ID
    3. Create a snapshot of that volume. (right-click the volume, and “Create Snapshot”; step through the AWS wizard).

    Upgrading Dasera

    Dasera will send you the address of a patch file in an S3 bucket. From the shell of the Dasera instance, enter this command: 

    $ wget <zip file address> && patch

    This process may take a couple of minutes.

    Confirming the Upgrade 

    Log into the Dasera dashboard. In the bottom left corner of the screen, click on Support. Underneath the link to the Dasera Help Center, you should see “Version # x.x.x.”  There will also be a notification “Dasera was upgraded to x.x.x” in Administration > System Notifications.

    Once you’ve confirmed the upgrade, return to Data Stores and re-enable the Dasera scan(s) in the appropriate data stores.

    Restoring the Dasera Backup

    If you need to restore your backup copy of Dasera for any reason, follow these steps:

    1. Stop (but do NOT terminate) your Dasera instance.
    2. Find the EBS volume attached to the instance and detach it.
    3. Create a new EBS volume from the backup snapshot.
    4. Attach that volume to the now-volumeless instance, at /dev/xvda (in place of the default location).
    5. Restart your Dasera instance. Note, this change also reverts the software to the old version too, since the software files and the database are contained in the same volume.

    Upgrading Sidecars

    CLI access is required to complete these steps.


    For sidecars (EC2 instances deployed via CloudFormation, Terraform, or Helm), Dasera supports upgrading via CLI only.

    Dasera will send you the address of a patch file in an S3 bucket. From the shell of the Dasera instance, enter this command: 

    docker pull dasera/discovery-release:latest

    This process may take a couple of minutes.

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