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    Dasera 4.1 release notes

    Major New Features

    MongoDB Support for Classification

    We have expanded our connector coverage to NoSQL Data Sources, starting with MongoDB. We can now classify sensitive data stored in your managed MongoDB Cloud or on-prem environments.  

    To learn more, please visit our Connecting With MongoDB Data Stores article.

    Ability to Export Tables as CSV

    We now offer the ability to export to CSV most of our data tables. This allows for reviewing, sharing, and reporting externally outside of Dasera. The following functions support this feature:

    • Alerts/Tasks
    • User Assessment
    • Data Store Inventory, Configuration Analysis & Privilege Analysis
    • Classification, Sensitive Data Types
    • Policies
    • Employee Management

    New and Updated Built-In Policies

    We have refreshed our Built-In Policies and also added some new ones. We now deliver built-in Policies which address the following use cases:

    Policy Name Usage
    High Sensitive Data Classified For Classification Policy Type to generate a Task when any Sensitive Data Discovered and Classified by Dasera with Sensitivity Level as High should to be Reviewed by its Data Owner.
    Data Store Discovered For Data Store Discovered Policy Type to Alert when new Data Stores are Discovered in any of your connected IaaS Infrastructures
    Misconfiguration Detection for Sensitive Data Stores 
    For Misconfiguration to Alert when Data Stores have a Misconfiguration Risk of Critical, High or Medium
    SOX Data Modified For Data Modified Policy Type to Alert when Data is inserted, updated or deleted in any sensitive Field tagged as SOX
    Regulated Data Accessed (Exfiltration Risk) For Exfiltration Policy Type to Alert when any sensitive Field tagged with PCI, CCPA, GDPR or HIPAA is at risk of Exfiltration. Due to the potential for generating a high volume of alerts, this policy is delivered disabled by default.
    Large Volume of Sensitive Data Accessed For Exfiltration Polity Type to Alert when a query returns > 99,999 rows of a High-sensitivity Field
    Privacy violation on PII For Privacy Policy Type to Alert when when Medium- or High-risk Employee executes a query containing field tagged with PII


    Classification Improvements

    • Custom Sensitive Data Types now support matching the Field Content based on a user-defined Dictionary. With this feature, instead of just matching against a regular expression, you can have a higher level of confidence when matched against a set of expected input values.
    • Empty Fields can now be highlighted in Dasera and are automatically Marked for Reclassification on Next Scan. This forms the basis of detecting if an empty Field is later populated with sensitive data.

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