Date: 03/03/20
Major New Features
First-Time User Onboarding
- First-time users can select Redshift clusters to scan, choose frequency of data warehouse scan, and create an SNS topic for alerts.
Initial Redshift Scan
- After first-time user onboarding, Netskope One DSPM scans selected Redshift clusters for sensitive data, copies query logs from Redshift to Netskope One DSPM, detects risky queries, and generates alerts.
- Users can see data visualizations of alerts, including processed data and alerts over time.
- Users can change the selected time period of the dashboard. This selected time period will persist throughout the user’s session.
Alerts Page
- Users can see alerts of risky queries, broken down into major types of alerts (potential privacy violations versus potential data exfiltrations).
- Users can download a CSV of all alerts.
- Users can drill down from the Alerts page by employee and see all risky query alerts generated by a specific employee.
Sensitive Data Mapping
- Users can see the results of Netskope One DSPM sensitive data classification.
- Users can change the classification of any field from sensitive to not sensitive, or vice versa.
Policy Engine
- Users can see all risky query policies in Netskope One DSPM, along with the number of alerts each policy would have triggered in the selected time frame.
- Users can turn inactive policies on and can turn off active policies.
Support, User Settings, and Logout
- All users can access support documentation and contact Netskope One DSPM Support.
- All users (except the default user) can change their own user profile.
- All users can log out of Netskope One DSPM.
User Administration
- Administrators can add users to Netskope One DSPM. Users can be given administrative privileges or read-only access.
- Administrators can edit Netskope One DSPM user accounts. Note: the default user’s log-in “ec2-user” cannot be changed.
- Administrators can delete Netskope One DSPM user accounts. Note: the default user’s account cannot be deleted.
Data Warehouse Administration
- Administrators can add/remove Redshift clusters from the Netskope One DSPM scan.
- Administrators can change the frequency at which Netskope One DSPM scans a specific Redshift cluster.
Notifications & Notification Settings
- Administrators can read and delete system notifications generated by Netskope One DSPM.
- Administrators can create a SNS topic -- Netskope One DSPM alerts and system notifications will be sent to this SNS topic.